17 September 2009

The Lady Doctor

My roots were getting pretty bad, so I decided to go to LA for the weekend. I know that sounds weird, especially since I rarely brush my hair but my love and loyalty for Koji is pretty intense.

While I was home, I mentioned to my dad that I had been feeling a bit tired lately. Being a neurotic Jew, he insisted that I get my blood taken. I was a bit concerned about the logistics as it was 3 pm on Friday and my flight was on Sunday. Now, I don’t want to drop any names or anything BUT we are best family friends with a prominent gynecologist---aka gyno to the stars. All that being said, I was a bit confused about my dad’s confidence that we would get in with no problem. I insisted we call but my father said there was nothing to worry about. He promised we would have absolutely no issue.

As we parked in the garage, the parking attendant started chatting it up with my dad in Spanish ( weird Nella fact, he lived in Venezuela as a child and speaks Spanish fluently). When we got to the office, the office ladies got up and kissed my father. The nurse, not the sweetest lady, gave my dad a kiss and took us in right away. After she took my blood, my dad led me to a closet and whispered in my ear, “the secret stash”—and we loaded up on gloves. Fully freaked out, I said, “How the hell do you know your way around this place? Why are you friends with people at a gynecologist office? Are you secretly working here?”

Well, it turns out, my dad read somewhere that Brad Pitt gets B-12 shots for energy. Naturally, he wanted to get them too. He convinced his “friend” to give them to him. He also confessed that he tips the nurse when she gives them (she is gentler). Yep, my father goes to a gynecologist weekly and tips the nurse (crisp $20, in case you were wondering)

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