In honor of the birth of Michael Shrage, I am going to dedicate this post to the one thing we fight about most often....g chat etiquette.
Shrage has always pushed me to embrace g chat. I consider myself more of an AIM girl but after much convincing (and Shrage even signing me up), I accepted that we are no longer in 2004 and started “g chatting.”
Lizzie told me that the cool kids don't actually say "g chatting," that I can still say IMing but I like to show off and say the whole term. Anyways, I learned quickly that lots of people had already converted. I usually react poorly to change but I really did like this whole g chat thing---- I could mesh AIM and g chats, all my conversations were kept neatly on the left bottom margin and I liked that there were no AIM windows flashing on my screen out of nowhere. Obviously the lack of weemes was hard to swallow at first, but I got past it.
Not to keep bringing up Mr. Bluth BUT when you work for him, the whole chatting with your friends (along with sleeping and having a life) sort of goes out the window. So, yes, I keep g chat up but it’s mostly to converse with my editor, Ellen, Mel or Kev.
A few friends (ok, almost all) have told me that I am quite rude over IM but no one gets more upset than Shrage. He has made a few rude remarks but last week, he reached new levels. Not only did he yell at me at a a bar, he declared that he will never talk to me over g chat again. OUCH.
Sunday, while not working and enjoying an episode of Freaks and Geeks, I figured it would be a great time to "chat" Shrage up...
Me (g chat): Hello mister. I am watching your favorite show.
No response.
No response.
No response.
EMAIL from Michael Shrage comes in---
Alison- I noticed you g chatted me... I'm happy to correspond via email.
RESPONSE via email----
Omg. Are u never g chatting with me?
EMAIL from Shrage:
We can email, text, skype, or talk on the phone. I'll even kiss you thru the phone and send you the picture but g chating is not happening. Yes I see your status ("hi michael shrage. i love you. g chat with me"). Thank you but that doesn't change anything. How many episodes are you into Freaks and Geeks?
Might as well deactivate my account now…
I'm not sure i would describe the incident at the bar as "yelling" or even a real argument. I simply stated that your chat etiqutte is not improving. Also, let's get one thing straight. It's not like I'm chatting you every 30 minutes with you and I completely understand that work is way more important than g-chatting. What annoyed me most about last week was that I was trying to confirm plans and you are hard to reach during the day so when you initiated the chat i thought it was a great chance to confirm, then the hours go by with no response and that's where it got extra annoying. I hope your loyal blog readers understand :-)