12 October 2009

Reader's Choice

Kevin thinks I ought to increase my interaction with my readers so we have come up with reader's choice. Comment please...I can see you reading my blog, no need to play hard to get. What would you like to hear (more) about:

1. My Bat-Mitzvah
2. My lunch with Mr Bluth (read it and weep Kevin)
3. The effects of dressing professionally for two weeks
4. Baseball Card dating
5. My editor
6. Eric
7. My paid friend


  1. Obviously your lunch. Maybe you can share pictures of the professional attire and let the users vote.

  2. I'm with Amie, i want pictures so #3. And your bat-mitzvah deserves a short post (maybe 100 words). I also have some write-in votes. More Allen stories. Also one about Amie and one about Scott and I'm still waiting for another inner monologue post.

  3. As much Growing-Up-Hellman as possible please.

  4. Oh, also, more graphs and/or charts would be excellent.

  5. "Baseball Card Dating". When you google it, all you get is this http://tinyurl.com/yj477w2
    The internet needs you...
