So, at 8 am PT I called home to make sure he was up. No answer. Called again and again…no answer. After freaking out and calling Eric, we finally located him…at work. Our dad went to work all by himself!
Naturally, I asked him about his upcoming plans. Here is what I learned---
- Last night he made enough spaghetti and meat sauce for the entire week
- He bought Chaya a rotisserie chicken at Gelson’s
- For lunches, he brought in a loaf of bread and salami (he is going to alternate between mayo and mustard for variety)
- He is planning on wearing the same sweater all week without a button down shirt to save on the dry cleaner bill
- Every morning he is going to have hot chocolate for breakfast with real milk and whip cream
- He cannot come home before dark because he owes the pool man money and needs my mom to pay him
- The pool man found the lights for the pool (we have lived in the same house for 15 years) so he is going to swim at night (note, my father likes to snorkel in our pool, flippers and all)
- He found a dead rat and wants to perform an autopsy like he sees on NCIS and then leave it on my mom’s side of the bed for a welcome home surprise
- He is still depressed and wants a Rangers hoodie and hat
P.S. He just emailed me, "I forgot to tell you but I did a “clay” mask last night."
My dad LOVES masks
Alison, the posts about your dad made me laugh so hard I cried (a couple times). Priceless stuff. By the way, this is Jess Horine, Jason's wife. Hi!