11 January 2010

Act Like A Lady


Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE my paid friend. Some people are actually troubled by my love and admiration (yes, Jeremy I am talking about you) but, at the end of the day, it’s pretty simple. All of us search for guidance when we are struggling ---some people pray to God, some people ask, “what would Jesus do?,” and me, I channel my inner Donna (yep, that’s my paid friend’s name). So, when Donna “suggested” that I read a book that may give me a fresh perspective on dating, I was totally excited. When she told me the book was by Steve Harvey, I was thrilled.Let me give you the CliffsNotes version of "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man"---

1  The Ninety Day Rule: If Ford requires its employees 90 days of work to get benefits, shouldn't you require it of your man?

Never tell a guy, “We need to talk”

     Don’t be scared to ask serious questions

Men need three things—support, loyalty and “the cookie” (and the cookie is exactly what you think it is)

     If you are drinking Patron or Long Island ice tea you are not the marrying kind 

So, naturally, I decided to give this whole new dating strategy a-go. Obviously, I consulted with Amie and Todd (to ensure I was not being too insane) and they agreed with everything except the whole 90 days thing. We all agreed that it may scare a guy away and that 45 days is sufficient.

Luckily, I had just gone on a good first date with a nice, smart, Jewish boy so, the timing was perfect.  I did exactly what Steve said—I asked serious questions (obvi that came easily since I tend to interrogate my dates and then analyze them), I drank wine exclusively, I asked about his church habits, if he had any kids and we just kissed. I was really getting into this whole “courting” thing. Dating was so much simpler and there were lots of calls and lots of date requests.

After about 5 weeks (aka 35 days), I was really over it. Perhaps it was because he talked about needing his mother’s advice constantly or the fact that he only ate plain pasta and drank Sprite. Nonetheless, I had committed to dating Steve Harvey-style so I wanted to see it through which is why after 46 days of dating, I broke up with him.

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